This is not used in our blends as it is high in starch and natural sugars so is not healthy in large quantities. Often also called Corn Starch, Maizena or Maize Starch it’s a refined, processed white flour made by extracting the starch from maize or corn. Corn starch is a popular ingredient used in thickening sauces or soups, and is used in making corn syrup and other sugars. We do use it very occasionally in our cookbook, and in very small quantities such as when thickening the filling for Lemon Meringue Pie.
Did you know heated corn starch raises you blood glucose levels even faster than sugar! Another reason to use it sparingly.
To help explain the differences between yellow and white maize/corn flours further we asked a New Zealand based manufacturer of maize & corn products – Corson Grains:
“Briefly (yellow) maize flour and (white) cornflour (excluding wheaten cornflour which is made from wheat from the discussion) are different products. They are both manufactured from maize or corn but by two different processes. Our yellow maize flour is “dry-milled” in a similar way to normal wheat flour used in bread making. It contains both starch and non-gluten proteins from the maize kernel/grain endosperm. Our cornflour is “wet milled” and contains basically 100% maize starch (no protein) from the maize kernel/grain”.